Sunday 31 October 2010

Happy Halloween!

No trick-or-treating this year, but we did get to have a little Halloween fun. We went to Wallington Estate and got to search for pumpkins in the "huge" house, wonder through the woods to find halloween clues to earn a prize and make a halloween lantern. We had a great day and enjoyed the autumn weather.

Sportacus and Batman

Picnic in the boot


Wallington House

Woodland Trail

searching for clues

Halloween Lanterns

Happy Halloween!

Saturday 30 October 2010

Happy Birthday Samuel

Samuel turns 4! Samuel's birthday was a little different this year, but it was a good one! He got to have a party with his friends, got a bunch of packages in the mail, and a surprise visit from Grandpa and Bette! It just doesn't seem possible that my baby is four!

Elle gets new pajamas!

New Puzzle from Grandma and Grandpa Stevens

Party with Samuel's friends

Soft Play where Samuel had his party with his friends

Knights to defend the castle

This is a nice dragon that protects the princesses in the castle

Samuel Doll

Very exciting getting presents from "Greenfield"!

Snow White from Aunt Wendy

The Castle!

Samuel helped to decorate his own birthday cake!

Surprise birthday guests

Samuel always getting a laugh!

Elle in disguise

New T-shirt from Romie & Addie

New Shoes from Liz (he has been wearing everyday!)

Package from the Capens! He got a toy story lunch bag, which he immediately filled with snacks and carried with him while we traveled South, he wouldn't let it out of his sight!!

Moat Monster
 Thanks to everyone for all the wonderful gifts and for making Samuel's birthday special when he is so far away from home!!