Tuesday 16 August 2011

Grandma, Briahna, and Mackenzie visit!

We had such a wonderful time with Grandma, Briahna and Mackenzie on their two week visit. We got to do some really fun things. We spent five days in London, went to the beach a few times, visited some other really great places, did some shopping, and just had fun hanging out. The boys loved being around Mackenzie and Briahna and acting silly.  We had a ton of pictures!

London Eye

Samuel and Big Ben

Waiting for the Changing of the Guard

Changing of the Guard

Buckingham Palace

Owen snapping pictures at Westminster Abbey

Hampton Court

Hampton court

Regent Park - I have no idea what is going on in this picture

Piccadilly Circus

Hampton Court

Hampton Court Gardens

Owen loved this painting - London Zoo

Going on Safari

London Zoo

Samuel loving his big sister and cousin

Alnwick Castle

The beach at Alnmouth


Braving the frigid water

Alnwick Castle

Broom flying lessons?

Mary Poppins

Alnwick Gardens

Owen's statue

Love when they are all together

The boys enjoying a nice conversation and walk


She was dancing in the oven

Beautiful picture, one of the only ones we got where Mackenzie wasn't being totally silly!

Tynemouth Priory

North Pier - Tynemouth

Owen looking out over the North Sea

Briahna and Mackenzie riding the waves

Samuel surfing

jumping the waves

Samuel's new friend Lyndsey

They must have been freezing!

Owen jumping the waves


an example of the many crazy pictures I have of these two girls

Owen at the Railway museum in York

Briahna doing flips on the tramp-o-line in York

Looks like Owen is flying through the air

Hadrian's wall - must have been a bit chilly

Bundled up

Chester's Roman Fort

Bath house at Chester's

Top of The Castle Keep in Newcastle

Newcastle Central Station

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